Media Library is the place where you can upload and manage different types of media, such as Audio, Video and Photos. Media types are identified by the file extension.
To post media in your podcast, a file extension is required. Files that are supported for posting are called "publishable". Those that are not publishable are displayed in red in your media library. PodOmatic supports many different types of media formats.
For posted episodes, however, PodOmatic converts to the most widely accepted formats:
Download Video: MPEG-4
Audio: MP3
Video Note: We HIGHLY recommend converting videos to 360p. This drastically reduces the size of the file, making playback and download much easier and faster for your fans. Links to your highest quality video can be added to your episode description.
PodOmatic determines if an audio/video/photo media file can be published using the following guidelines:
Does it have a file extension? If not, we cannot determine the file type.
Is the file over 350MB? If so, it's too big to post.
Does the file have one of these extensions: .vob .ram .rm .aup .flv .cda .itl .wpl .m3u .pmf .mht .asf .pict .mswmm? If so, its not a supported format.
Can the file be opened, and its duration read? If not, we cannot convert to the proper format, because the file cannot be opened by our conversion software.
Note that if your file cannot be published, the reason why is given in the media library. Non-audio/video files can be published, but they cannot be played and will require notifying your audience of what you're providing them.
Check Media Properties You are also able to check all the properties of each one of your media files within your Media Library section. On the audio and video sections, you will be able to play your files by clicking on the play button under the Play column next to each one of your files.
By clicking on the dropdown button under Actions you will be able to Rename, Publish that file as an episode, Download the file and also delete it permanently from your Media Library.