Real Podcast Advertising
For Any Sized Podcast

Podcorn links you with advertisers that know, a small engaged audience, is just as valuable as a large one.


Podomatic and Podcorn’s partnership guarantees podcasters the highest level income by giving 100% of Podomatic commissions back to you, the podcaster.


Earn Money

From host-read ads and brand interviews to custom content integrations, if you have a podcast, you can earn money from brand sponsorships.

Easily Connect With Brands

Podcorn makes it easy to find and secure sponsors for your unique show. You’re in full control of your sponsors, rates, creative formats, and scheduling!

Charge What You Want

You own your podcast and what you charge is up to you! Podcorn charges each brand immediately upon hiring to ensure that you always get paid on time. If you need pricing guidance, Popcorn is there to help.

Manage Everything in One Place

From connection and communication, to campaign tracking and cross platform distribution, Podcorn gives brands and podcasters an all-in one dashboard that streamlines and scales all the moving pieces of podcast sponsorships.