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Word Of Life Christian Center
Word Of Life Christian Center
Word Of Life Christian Center
By Word Of Life Christian Center
Christianity Philadelphia 10 Followers   32 Episodes
Word of Life Christian Center will be a loving church that is multi-racial, multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and socially aware of our responsibility to meet the temporal or practical needs of the poor and marginalized in our community and in the world. The ministry will be characterized by a strong emphasis on developing numerous preachers and lay teachers who are able to clearly and accurately expound the Word of God in a relevant manner. Additionally, the development of effective, visionary leaders will be a hallmark of the ministry. Through clear preaching and teaching and the development of visionary leadership, the membership will be brought to Christian maturity—strong in the Word, through a consistent exposure to the transforming Word of God. Furthermore, we will emphasize the importance of mentoring relationships throughout the local assembly in an effort to bring believers to their full potential in God and prepare them for effective ministry in accordance with God’s plan for each person. Moreover, God will allow Word of Life Christian Center to impact the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ via church planting to reach more souls for Christ, and a Multi-Media Ministry that includes television... more
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