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The ADHD Mama
The ADHD Mama
The ADHD Mama
By Susy Parker
Kids & Family 23 Followers   13 Episodes
Hey everyone, I'm Susy, I'm an author, blogger and ADHD mama and I'm passionate about educating, supporting and inspiring parents to see ADHD as a positive trait. I believe that with the right guidance, diet, love & understanding we could be holding the the key to future stars in the making! Grab a cuppa, put your feet up and listen to these incredible interviews of mums, authors, experts and sooooo many awesome humans! You can follow me on instagram for more updates @susyohareofficial and my website for more resources. Susy xmore
Latest Episode 6 years ago
It's Time To Start Celebrating Our Differences
In this week's podcast I share my heart, soul and vision for my work in 2019. I share with you how I will be able to support your journey wherever you are in the world, and wherever you are in your journey. I have some deep, spiritual work that I am slowly moving in to, and my ADHD is a HUGE part of that. For me, this type of brain has given me gifts that I have finally been able to unwrap. This was only possible once I allowed myself to be 'disassociated' from the label. We are so much more than labels. We all have unique abilities, gifts and strengths that aren't always being birthed into the world, when we are trying so hold to fit into he mold! I've had so many teenagers and young adults reach out to me, and I also feel called to hold space for dads. There will be some much needed work coming your way this year for children, parents, dads and young people trying to navigate themselves on this path. Let's do this! Let's raise hearts, souls and vibes! Love & light Susy xo PS I decided to keep the name of my podcast as 'The ADHD Mama'!
615233 17m 20s
It's Time To Start Celebrating Our Differences
615233 17m 20s
March 16, 2019
March 16, 2019
17m 20s
Learning to live happily alongside PMDD
7310 45m 58s
January 17, 2019
January 17, 2019
45m 58s
10118 38m 13s
December 11, 2018
December 11, 2018
38m 13s
November 22, 2018
1h 5m
November 8, 2018
31m 0s
The Truth about ADHD with Dr Brad Ellisor
9169 46m 14s
October 25, 2018
October 25, 2018
46m 14s
From The Class Clown To The ADHD millionaire!
2341 21m 38s
October 11, 2018
October 11, 2018
21m 38s
August 14, 2018
38m 24s
Our Transformational ADHD Story
3833 36m 35s
June 29, 2018
June 29, 2018
36m 35s
June 14, 2018
43m 58s
April 9, 2018
47m 40s
November 9, 2017
27m 32s
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