Part 1:
We talk with Analilia Meijia, Co=Executive Director of the Center for Popular Democracy.
We discuss the actions of Trump, essentially gutting most government service for people who are not wealthy. For example, 40% of all children in the US are covered by Medicaid, as are a large percentage of people in nursing homes. This constitutes a wealth transfer from the poor to the rich, who stand to gain through tax cuts they do not need. What should be done?
Part 2:
We talk with Laura Belin, Editor and Publisher of 'Bleeding Heartland' which is based in Iowa.
We discuss the Iowa legislature voting to rescind civil rights for transgender and homosexual people in Iowa. So far, Iowa is the only state to do this. But the way the bill is written, the can apply to other groups as well. There has not been any pushback from the business community, as had been in the past. We also discuss how school vouchers will affect public schools in Iowa, and how this will affect rural economies there.
Music: From David Rovics, “The Richest Man in the World Says So”, 2025