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The Savior Has Arrived
The Savior Has Arrived
The Savior Has Arrived
By The Savior Has Arrived
Islam 1 Followers   80 Episodes
Podcast The Savior has Arrived. Imam Ahmed Al-Hasan is the successor and messenger of Imam Al-Mahdi Muhammad son of Al-Hasan, peace be upon him, to all the people. He is the promised Yamani to the Shia Muslims and the Mahdi whose birth at the end of times was promised by the Prophet Muhammad to the Sunni Muslims. He is the comforter promised by the Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, mentioned in the Gospel, and the Savior whom prophet Elijah promised to be sent to the Jews. He set out with his great divine call in 1999 in Iraq and from there it spread to the world. He came to the people using the proofs which the prophets of God and His messengers used for their people: the divine text which he has made clear to the followers of religions according to the books in which they believe, the knowledge with which he challenged the major clerics of all religions, and the call to the Supremacy of God, in addition to Almighty God supporting him in the kingdom of heavens with thousands of honest visions of the prophets and messengers that testify for him. He has written a collection of books containing great aspects of divine knowledge, which he began to convey to the people, including The Book of Monotheism, The... more
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