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PR Radio Station's Podcast
By PR Radio
NewsNew York2 Followers  10 Episodes
PR Radio Station and other affiliate programming, plan to provide the community with political commentary, nightlife happenings and arts & culture events through online radio programming. The hosts of each show aim to embrace all communities and provide a protected environment to examine the similarities in our “differences”. Coupled with community initiatives, the station, strives to merge what has been coined as “awkward”, “gay”, “inane”, “hetero-normative”, “weird” and “out of the box” into the unified category of humanity by addressing countless topics through on-air interviews & communal outreach from local and global listenership.
PR Radio is more than just a station; it’s a safe space to convene to discuss concerns and info-tainment!more
PR Radio Station and other affiliate programming, plan to provide the community with political commentary, nightlife happenings and arts & culture events through online radio programming. The hosts of each show aim to embrace all communities and provide a protected environment to examine the similarities in our “differences”. Coupled with community initiatives, the station, strives to merge what has been coined as “awkward”, “gay”, “inane”, “hetero-normative”, “weird” and “out of the box” into the unified category of humanity by addressing countless topics through on-air interviews & communal outreach from local and global listenership.
PR Radio is more than just a station; it’s a safe space to convene to discuss concerns and info-tainment!less