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MPR Deb and Gregg
MPR Deb and Gregg
MPR Deb and Gregg
By MPR Deb and Gregg
Hobbies Atlanta 2 Followers   3 Episodes
My name is Gregg and I Co-Host Midwest Paratalk Radio, I have been in Indy for most of my life. And have been interested in the paranormal for a long time. It wasn’t until a personal experience at 30 that I realized that there was some validity to the paranormal. Having a need for more knowledge I started looking at different media venues. Researching, reading and talking to different groups that I have come across blogtalkradio. And have found some great people. Having a radio background, BTR seemed to be a great source to get out information and talk with people. Wanting to bring an intelligent format to the public, with guest from the community discussing their experiences. Taking each interview to a personal level and getting to know what feeds their pursuit of the truth in the paranormal. Midwest Paratalk Radio hatched. This show will attempt to dig deep into exploring the full gambit of paranormal. UFO’s to lost Cities. Paranormal conventions and promoting different ghost investigation teams. He would like to see MPR take off, be fun, and try to answer questions that boggle the mind. Were proud to be with the Para Quest Radio Network with the intention of becoming a show with a purpose. And our pleasure to help the... more
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