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Emotional Diet Weight Loss Podcast
By Bill Cashell
Fitness9 Followers 6 Episodes
Have you ever been on a diet? Maybe more than one? If it is as simple as eating less and exercising more, why don't we just do it? The reason is simple -
We are not driven by logic, we are driven by emotion.
Hi, I'm Bill Cashell, the author of The Emotional Diet and I have a question for you.
Are you an emotional eater?
If you eat to change your feelings, especially when you are not hungry, then you are probably an emotional eater. Emotional eating means you let your emotions tell you when and how much you eat.
The worst part about emotional eating is it actually causes your problems to multiply. Eventually, instead of avoiding the issues you're stuffing down with food, you've created another one altogether -- weight gain, guilt about eating, worsening health ... and then it starts all over again.
The truth is, weight loss is really about self-esteem. Some emotional change has to happen if you're going to be successful long term. Don't think, 'I just have to change my diet and exercise habits, and then the work is over.' It's not. If you simply diet and exercise without making a mental breakthrough, you're just going to be in a vicious circle. I've never seen a person succeed in the long term who didn't first make a core change in the... more
Have you ever been on a diet? Maybe more than one? If it is as simple as eating less and exercising more, why don't we just do it? The reason is simple -
We are not driven by logic, we are driven by emotion.
Hi, I'm Bill Cashell, the author of The Emotional Diet and I have a question for you.
Are you an emotional eater?
If you eat to change your feelings, especially when you are not hungry, then you are probably an emotional eater. Emotional eating means you let your emotions tell you when and how much you eat.
The worst part about emotional eating is it actually causes your problems to multiply. Eventually, instead of avoiding the issues you're stuffing down with food, you've created another one altogether -- weight gain, guilt about eating, worsening health ... and then it starts all over again.
The truth is, weight loss is really about self-esteem. Some emotional change has to happen if you're going to be successful long term. Don't think, 'I just have to change my diet and exercise habits, and then the work is over.' It's not. If you simply diet and exercise without making a mental breakthrough, you're just going to be in a vicious circle. I've never seen a person succeed in the long term who didn't first make a core change in the way they felt about themselves.
The number one thing you need to understand is this - you are worthy of a better life. To change, you've got to feel these three words: 'I deserve this.' You're not going to get anywhere, long term, until you say to yourself, “Hey, I'm not a bad person, and I really do deserve this.'
If you would like to learn more about the Emotional Diet, click on the link below.