The "Black United Front" is an organization made up of concerned and committed individuals and organizations who have united to assume responsibility for working and leading the struggle for a better life for themselves and their children. The Black United Front is a broad-based organization which includes all social, political, religious and cultural sections of the Black community. It is the young, the elderly, the students, the imprisoned, the workers, and the dropout all working together to overcome our common problems. In the words of Marcus Garvey, "Up you mighty race, you can accomplish what you will." more
The "Black United Front" is an organization made up of concerned and committed individuals and organizations who have united to assume responsibility for working and leading the struggle for a better life for themselves and their children. The Black United Front is a broad-based organization which includes all social, political, religious and cultural sections of the Black community. It is the young, the elderly, the students, the imprisoned, the workers, and the dropout all working together to overcome our common problems. In the words of Marcus Garvey, "Up you mighty race, you can accomplish what you will." less