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Bitchin Over Wine
Bitchin Over Wine
Bitchin Over Wine
By The SavVy Bitch Lifestyle
Management Toronto 11 Episodes
An exclusive look into the lives of influencers, CEO's, artists, entrepreneurs, athletes, vagabonds and kickass empowering woman around the world. Bitchin Over Wine is a podcast created and hosted by the creator of The SavVy Bitch Lifestyle Robynne Eaton who is a single mom, serial Internetpreneur and actress/model who travels the world. After being a struggling artist tied to restaurants, door to sales and even the forsaken corporate desk, Robynne has stepped out to created her own online empire that specializes in all things Internet. From information, products, services, and internet marketing strategies to technology resources, Robynne's mission with Bitchin Over Wine Podcast is to create a lifestyle community of like-minded supportive individuals, and to encourage other brave souls to break free from their fears and expectations that society places upon us to move forth and create your own very own ultimate Lifestyle Design. more
Latest Episode 8 years ago
Ep. 13- With Cross-Dresser, Rachel
Meet Rachel. Rachel is a 40 year old divorcee´, and single father of two beautiful children who also happens to be a closeted cross-dresser. In this episode we discuss very deeply the notion of what Transgender actually is, and how a photo shoot fully dressed in women's clothing with full hair and make-up was one of the best nights of her life. Other things we touch on are: * When this passion was discovered * Fears of the unknown * Why support groups might not necessarily be beneficial * The ice-breaker challenge he gave himself in Toronto and what happened * What cross-dressing does for her on the inside * What it was like the first time wearing make-up * Why she chose the name Rachel Since the podcast Rachel has launched a new marketing, and advertising business and is making new and accepting connections. Today Rachel feels much more comfortable with her lifestyle and since has grown more self esteem and self worth. I am so happy for Rachel and feel inspired. I hope you do too!  As per my pre-roll mentions, I've spoke briefly about a new travel club that I am a member of and wanted to share with those who travel as a family or in groups and might want to find a way to save money. Check out Renaissance...
42m 33s
Ep. 13- With Cross-Dresser, Rachel
42m 33s
August 7, 2017
August 7, 2017
42m 33s
Ep.12: With Musician, Eric Cormier
39m 19s
March 17, 2017
March 17, 2017
39m 19s
Ep. 9: With Author, Brittany Krystantos
1h 32m
November 11, 2016
November 11, 2016
1h 32m
Ep. 8: With Matte Black
1h 31m
October 29, 2016
October 29, 2016
1h 31m
Ep. 7: With Socialista, Jesse Hazen
1h 4m
August 20, 2016
August 20, 2016
1h 4m
August 2, 2016
57m 25s
July 6, 2016
23m 51s
June 27, 2016
1h 22m
Ep. 3: With R&B Singer Roger Ortega
42m 42s
June 21, 2016
June 21, 2016
42m 42s
May 22, 2016
21m 58s
Ep. 1: With IT Guru, Shao Miller
36m 40s
May 4, 2016
May 4, 2016
36m 40s
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