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<title>A guy in his room</title>
By Brian G
ComedyNew York3 Followers  223 Episodes
A guy in his room is a mostly solo comedy podcast where Brian G (the host) talks a lot about the insanity of our divided culture and rapidly crumbling society and anything else he wants to make fun of.
This podcast is open minded, pro free speech, non-"woke" or ideological, and pro-funniness. Make sure to subscribe for new episodes, or follow me at @brianisaperson on instagram, @aguyinhisroom on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube, and podcast apps like Spotify or Apple. more
A guy in his room is a mostly solo comedy podcast where Brian G (the host) talks a lot about the insanity of our divided culture and rapidly crumbling society and anything else he wants to make fun of.
This podcast is open minded, pro free speech, non-"woke" or ideological, and pro-funniness. Make sure to subscribe for new episodes, or follow me at @brianisaperson on instagram, @aguyinhisroom on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube, and podcast apps like Spotify or Apple. less