This a podcast about letting YOU know that the mainstream NEWS doesn't tell YOU about The TRUTH of GOD and that we have an enemy alive and well on planet earth..
I would like to share with YOU what the LORD is downloading so that SAINTS (GOD's people)
can be set FREE..
Many know of the enemy, but many don't know what he can do,or how he can enter...
Did YOU know if YOU or someone YOU know has not been saved he has a legal right to YOUR body, and SOUL (mind, will, and emotions)??
Even after YOU get saved he can take control of YOU through your ears, what negative YOU put in,and through YOUR eye gates, what negative things YOU watch on TV, your phone, computer, video games, etc...
So I would like to educate YOU with this podcast and help YOU to LIVE YOUR best LIFE JOURNEY EVER!!!!!
If YOU or someone YOU know would like more info about getting saved , baptized, and getting baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT YOU can reach me @