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Attempted Adults
By Kris Mereigh
Self-HelpBoston2 Followers  24 Episodes
Adulthood is such a messy concept. No one gives you a certificate of adulthood, theres no checklist to make sure you know all the things, yet here we are...adulting. Each episode of Attempted Adults will work to tackle a different issue facing adults and college students. We will cover everything from making friends to managing finances, and how to plan meals. Come attempt adulthood with us!more
Adulthood is such a messy concept. No one gives you a certificate of adulthood, theres no checklist to make sure you know all the things, yet here we are...adulting. Each episode of Attempted Adults will work to tackle a different issue facing adults and college students. We will cover everything from making friends to managing finances, and how to plan meals. Come attempt adulthood with us!less