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The Last of the Alaskans Podcast
By The Last of the Alaskans
Society & CultureSeattle2 Followers 9 Episodes
Far far away on a coastal village, 420 miles from Anchorage, Alaska are students in Quinhagak, AK ready to spread their ideas. They have been practicing subsistence, passed on from many generations, and they are experts at it. They are here to teach everyone how to survive in the wilderness. Following our podcast trailer will be episodes about their survival techniques, as well as episodes about ideas we talk about in class. Please like and share, so that the word can travel. Thank you for all you do. more
Far far away on a coastal village, 420 miles from Anchorage, Alaska are students in Quinhagak, AK ready to spread their ideas. They have been practicing subsistence, passed on from many generations, and they are experts at it. They are here to teach everyone how to survive in the wilderness. Following our podcast trailer will be episodes about their survival techniques, as well as episodes about ideas we talk about in class. Please like and share, so that the word can travel. Thank you for all you do. less