One-Click Submissions

We're happy to announce that as of 2021, we now have One-Click Submission Integrations with 8 of the Worlds Largest Streaming Platforms!

These One-Click integrations mean you simply click Submit, and your podcast is available and updated forever on that platform.
We register and verify your RSS feeds for you with these 8 partners, so the process is seamless, easy, and completely Free.

From your Manage page, you'll always be able to see which directories you have submitted to, which ones you have yet to submit to, or which ones need attention.

These 8 directories alone, offer our podcasters over 1 BILLION Monthly Podcast Listeners! Officially making Podomatic the easiest way to reach the largest podcast audience in the world!

Player FM

To Submit your podcast to our directory partners:

  1. Create a Free Account on Podomatic
  2. Publish an episode or import your existing podcast
  3. Click “Submit” on as many of our partners as you’d like